Friday, January 20, 2012

Biffa- The multicoloured three-wheeler

Biffa! The family-car I grew up with. Mum painted it with enamel paints (he was only fibreglass), I helped draw out the shapes with pencil. 
My best friend, Katie, and I tried painting it a few times but the rain always washed away our watercolour masterpieces.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

People watching- University Lecture Theatre

I couldn’t quite hear the two students I was sat next to so, naturally, my mind began to wander. I noticed that one of them had amazing lips. I was having a bit of a think about lip-size/facial features, nationality, etc and my gaze fell on another student from the class, on the far side of the hall. Pissy-faced and all dirty-guts over something or another. I watched her storm over to the other side of the lecture theater and begin a very animated conversation with some people that I don’t know.

In the hall, between lectures is a great time to people-watch.

On these breaks between taking notes I find myself wanting to paint certain people. Sort of fleeting, I lose the urge when they are gone and forgotten, and a few hundred other faces replace theirs. But today it was the lady with the lovely lips and the dirty guts-scowler I wanted to paint. Immediately. In that precise atmosphere, the confinement and contrast.