Friday, January 20, 2012

Biffa- The multicoloured three-wheeler

Biffa! The family-car I grew up with. Mum painted it with enamel paints (he was only fibreglass), I helped draw out the shapes with pencil. 
My best friend, Katie, and I tried painting it a few times but the rain always washed away our watercolour masterpieces.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

People watching- University Lecture Theatre

I couldn’t quite hear the two students I was sat next to so, naturally, my mind began to wander. I noticed that one of them had amazing lips. I was having a bit of a think about lip-size/facial features, nationality, etc and my gaze fell on another student from the class, on the far side of the hall. Pissy-faced and all dirty-guts over something or another. I watched her storm over to the other side of the lecture theater and begin a very animated conversation with some people that I don’t know.

In the hall, between lectures is a great time to people-watch.

On these breaks between taking notes I find myself wanting to paint certain people. Sort of fleeting, I lose the urge when they are gone and forgotten, and a few hundred other faces replace theirs. But today it was the lady with the lovely lips and the dirty guts-scowler I wanted to paint. Immediately. In that precise atmosphere, the confinement and contrast.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Surface Spaces Pop Up Art Gallery, Burslem S-O-T

Tucked-away in the backstreets of Burslem Town is a new, pop-up, not-here-for-long-but-very-cosy gallery! And I have some pieces showing, in the bedroom...gathered with a crowd of portraits. 

A new art exhibit of local artist's work is currently being shown in a ground floor apartment. While no one dwells there, this group of artworks reside. paintings, drawing, sculptural and ceramic beauties are being shown until Sunday 11th Dec, 2011. 

It is around the back of the shops 7-11 Queens Street. It is a little hidden, but worth finding.

Follow the link below for the event's facebook page, which has the full address:

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pet Photography, Coco and Maddy

Art Market, 02/07/11

I won't pretend to be a blogger and I am too easily distracted to be a photographer, painting is my bag. 

On the 2nd July, this year, I will be holding my first stall at the Art Market, Hanley. It'll be running along side Piccadilly Circus, check it all out and come have some fun up 'anley, ducks! Happy Summer! 

I'm busily sorting myself out and thinking up ideas, wish me luck!